Kybella is the first and only FDA-Approved injectable to improve the appearance of fat beneath the chin by physically destroying fat cells.

Kybella is a new injectable treatment that melts away the excess fat that causes double chins. The substance is a man-made form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring material that helps the body absorb fat. Your chin can be a problem area. How many times do you take a selfie to avoid having that puffy or double chin? With Kybella you can destroy the fat cells contributing to this unflattering phenomenon and get the selfie in one take!
If you’ve tried every diet and exercise plan imaginable but still struggle with unwanted neck and chin fat, you aren’t alone. Many people who eat healthy and have no problem toning their arms, legs and abs still find it difficult to lose the fat under the chin area. This puffy fat pad is a selfie killer. Kybella is a revolutionary chemical that takes 2 to 3 treatments to remove that fat for good. With minimal down time and low risk of complications you could be looking at a new you. Say goodbye to your double chin. Call us at MGMD Aesthetics and say hello to the new, thinner you.