MGMD Aesthetics in Lakeview is located upstairs inside Sola Salons at:
Dr. Michael Green has 20 years of
Why is MGMD Aesthetics in Lakeview better?
At MGMD Aesthetics in Lakeview Chicago, I focus on personalized injections and natural results. I would never want a stranger to ask you “Who did your facial injections?” I want you to hear things like,“You look so refreshed,” or “You look so young, you’re not 40 something, or 50 something.” If you tell someone you had treatments done, I want them to be blown away at how natural you look and say “I never would have known”.
The truth is; most people are afraid of looking unnatural. This is the biggest concern of all my patients, because they see people on TV and can tell they have had some sort of “bad Botox”. However, you also see people every day who have had noninvasive procedures done and it looks so good that you can’t even tell. So you only notice the bad ones and it scares you. Nobody wants to look like a “real housewife” or an overdone movie star. You know the ones… like Meg or Goldie at one time. You don’t have to look different from who you are. I will help you look like YOU, only more youthful and refreshed. There are some small tricks that take very little time and filler to help your face look years younger. It’s all about where the shadows fall on your face. It’s not about inflating everything in sight.
My facial Rejuvenation philosophy is about natural looking results. I like to practice what I call “Midwest Aesthetics” in contrast with the aesthetic found in New York or LA. I want you to look more youthful and revitalized without anyone knowing you saw me. It’ll be our secret. Shhhh.
Why does an Emergency Medicine specialist open an aesthetic practice?
Although I opened my first aesthetic practice 20 years ago, I can still remember the desire I had and the reasons why. I had worked in emergency medicine for several years and I truly reveled in the variety of people and medical problems as well as the unpredictable nature of the environment. I am not one to be stressed, even in life or death situations and my innately calm nature made me well suited for the job. However, there are some aspects of the emergency department (just like any job) that are tedious and annoying.
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