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Chicago's Safest Facial Filler
With Natural Looking Results!

Restylane™ | Juvéderm™ | Voluma™

Call to schedule an appointment today and learn why Dr. Michael Green is the best


Chicago's safest facial filler
with natural looking results!

Restylane™ | Juvéderm™ | Voluma™

Call to schedule an appointment today and learn why Dr. Michael Green is the best

Facial Fillers

Facial Fillers can help you take back your youthful vitality!
As we get older, we tend to lose that little extra something—that glow on your faces that makes you feel young. The fact is, after age 35, you start losing volume in your face. You lose some of the fat pads that make you look younger and even some of the underlying bone structure leaving your face a little deflated. When you see someone who is deflated, without even thinking of it consciously your brain it computes to one thing, older age. Combine that volume loss with a loss of skin elasticity and your face starts to sag slightly and gives you deep facial lines below the cheeks and around the mouth and chin.

That’s where Dermal Fillers, or facial fillers, like Restylane™, Juvéderm™ and Voluma™ come in. They are non-invasive fillers that instantly smooth away wrinkles, plump up your lips, and restore lost volume to your face. Fix that little jowl before anyone notices and people will say you look younger, and well rested.

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  • I've seen Dr. Green several times now, and he always takes time to answer any questions and give the actual medical information on the procedures (muscles, effects, dosage, etc.), which is something most other botox providers don't do. He also saved my life and squeezed me in last second the time I needed an additional batch of botox the week of a big event. Highly, highly recommend seeing Dr. Green!

    Isabel Gottlieb Avatar Isabel Gottlieb
    May 23, 2024
  • I was very nervous about getting Botox, but really wanted it. I wasn’t very knowledgeable on Botox coming into the appt, but Dr. Green answered all of my questions thoroughly, and gave me information I wouldn’t think to ask about. He’s a very personable, knowledgeable guy and I’m very happy with being a patient of his. He won’t try to oversell you or overdo it for the sake of getting paid more. He’s very cautious and will only give you the amount you need. It looks very natural on me, which I was worried about! My friends have noticed a difference and feel the same way about Botox. One of them is already wanting to go & see him too! Highly recommend.

    TNA Avatar TNA
    April 25, 2024
  • This was my second time seeing Dr. Green for filler (tear trough) and it was painless and looks so natural. As a fellow medical professional (dentist) I truly appreciate his aesthetic eye and attention to detail. Highly recommend!

    Dr. Gina Grosse Avatar Dr. Gina
    March 19, 2024

Why do we use Facial Fillers like Restylane™, Juvederm™, and Voluma™?

Dermal fillers are also good for enhancing. If you want more voluptuous lips, or more “cheeky” cheeks, I combine the latest technology and the best technique. I take what I like to call it a “Midwest approach” to all of my treatments, but especially when it comes to dermal fillers. The last thing you want is for a friend to ask “What did you have done?” or to end up looking like an over done “real housewife”. At MGMD Aesthetics I appreciate the fact that natural beauty is the goal. I want to do everything I can to make you look natural with normal proportions and symmetry so friends and acquaintances marvel at your youthful vitality and not your duck lips.

We are in an age of amazing aesthetic technology. Right now we have 10 or more different products which are tools in our toolbox to help address very specific signs of aging. While the differences are too nuanced to discuss here, let’s just say we have the right tool for almost any job. Whether you have lines around your mouth and chin, small lips, deep lines, fine lines or sunken cheeks, there is a long lasting technology to address almost any problem.

Natural Composition

Restylane™, Juvéderm™ and Voluma™ are clear gel like substances composed of hyaluronic acid (HA), a substance that naturally exists in the body. Each product is a result of very advanced technology that gives it the exact characterestics necessary for a specific area of the face. Although it is called “acid”, hyaluronic acid isn’t harsh or damaging at all. Within the human body, large amounts of hyaluronic acid are found between the cells, where it provides skin with its youthful suppleness and moisture. There is a decrease in hyaluronic acid as we age. That decrease combined with other factors, such as volume loss under the surface of the skin, causes an increase in the appearance of wrinkles and smile lines. I replace that volume in exactly the right place with exactly the right product to make you look refreshed for 6 months to 2 years depending on the location and product used.

Facial Fillers Safety

Other than the experience and detailed knowledge of anatomy required to use these products and minimize the chance of complications, the products are very safe in terms that there are very few reactions to these products. There is minimal chance of allergy or other reaction to these gels. Those reactions are so rare that there is no requirement for pre-treatment skin testing as there was with past fillers.


One of the biggest safety features is the ability to remove or reverse the injections. In the rare case that there is a complication or unwanted result, hyaluronidase (a natural enzyme) can be used to remove the filler from the area it was injected.

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CLICK HERE to learn more about Facial Fillers treatments available at MGMD Aesthetics.