Dr. Michael Green has 20 years of experience in medical aesthetics. He opened his first aesthetic office, LightCare Medical Spa in May 2000. From 2013-2018 he was director of medical services at Spaderma Med Spa in Lincoln Park. With a desire to be more hands-on with injections as opposed to supervising multiple other injectors, he opened MGMD Aesthetics where, along with 25 years experience as an Emergency Physician, he will use his aesthetic expertise to provide customized injections with meticulous attention to your needs and desired outcome.
B.S. Biology – University of Miami
M.D. – University of South Florida
Residency – Emergency Medicine – University of Illinois Chicago
Anti-Aging Fellowship – American Academy for Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine
Time Invested In You
Unlike some Med Spas and aesthetic practices, Dr. Green takes the time to understand what your goals are and help you achieve them whenever possible. Every new patient will have ample time to ask questions and get explanations. While some injectors use an “inject by numbers” approach with every patient getting the same pattern of injections, he examines each and every muscle to be injected for the best placement of neuromodulators, (Botox/Dysport) and evaluates each and every face with an individualized approach to a more youthful appearance.
Caring Approach
Dr. Green uses his experience and allows ample time because he truly cares about his patients. It is the caring approach which has led him to scale down the size of the practice into a more intimate setting with the goal of real improvement, one patient at a time and not a rapid fire high volume approach to moving patients through the system.